panasia-cap3000 - Special Announcement - Art Exhibition

vendredi, août 18, 2023 Hit: 4427

Special Announcement - Art Exhibition at Panasia Restaurant Cap3000

We are delighted to invite you to a unique artistic experience that fuses photography and emotion at Restaurant Panasia.

Let yourself be immersed in the captivating world of the artist Oli ROMANELLI (OliR), whose sharp photographic gaze guides us through moments imbued with poetry and magic.

Exhibition Dates: From September 1, 2023 to December 29, 2023

Opening: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 (On reservation)

Since his first steps in the world of photography 40 years ago, Oli ROMANELLI has forged his artistic vision around intuition rather than elaborate creation.

His travels around the world have nurtured her eclectic photo library, used to compose unique and captivating photomontages.

Whether exploring distant lands or letting oneself be carried along the alleys of familiar neighborhoods, his photographs evoke an alternative vision of reality, imbued with sensitivity

But the artist does not just capture visual moments.

Strongly influenced by cinema, literature, painting and music, Oli ROMANELLI weaves visual stories through his photomontages.

His artistic approach prefers to suggest rather than describe, thus offering a visual experience rich in emotions.

The artist's career has also led him to question the power of images in our modern world.

Working with associations related to blindness, he understood the profound impact of images on understanding and connecting to our environment.

His works offer a universal language that transcends words and speaks directly to our sensibility.

Join us to celebrate this exceptional artistic fusion at Restaurant Panasia Cap3000.
Immerse yourself in the visual stories that emerge from Oli ROMANELLI's lens and discover a world where suggestion becomes creation.

To attend the opening on Wednesday October 11, 2023, please reserve your place in advance on 06 93 26 05 38.

This exhibition is a unique opportunity to dive into an evocative visual universe and share the emotion of a moment frozen in time. 

Instagram : olis_roadbook_olir

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